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Classroom Parties


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I want to thank all of you for signing up to help with a class party this year.  All of our parties will begin at 2:45 unless I notify you otherwise.  Below I have listed those who signed up to help with each party and I have put an (*) next to the parent that agreed to be the chairperson for each group.  If you have any questions, or if I can be of any help, please let me know.650-4082


HALLOWEEN                                         CHRISTMAS


*Kristi Clore                                              *Christin Haldeman

Rache’ Wente                                            Tania Roberts

India Harvey                                             Jamie Breeden

Dayna Beachel                                                          




VALENTINE’S DAY                               EASTER


*Ashlie Trujillo                                          *Cassie Selensky

Heather Jamison                                       Jamie Jamison

Jodi Gillespie                                             Jami Stevenson